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What is NICE
Internatinal workcamps

In the world

In Japan &Asia
Long & middle term volunteer Weekend workcamps Group workcamps Other projects of NICE

Let's build a colorful and healthyworld !!

NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange)


+ NGO/NPO that organizes workcamps and other voluntary projects
+ Vice-President of CCIVS (Global network) at UNESCO and Secretary of NVDA (Asian network)
+ Building a future of mobilized communities and global citizenship!


What is NICE?

Basic information (aims, activities, finance, membership, etc.)

What are international workcamps (IW)?

International voluntary projects where volunteers from around the world and local communities live and work together for 2-3 weeks on projects for ecology, social justice, development, etc.

IW (in Japan organized by NICE)

2009 Project Description

Over 50 projects each year, mostly held in Japan

IW (outside Japan, organized with partner NGOs)

Over 3,000 project in 98 countries each year


(Long And Middle term voluntary Program)
Voluntary projects for 2-12 months in Japan and abroad

Weekend workcamps

(Short workcamps of 1-3 days held all over Japan)
About 150 projects a year with communities and nature

Group Workcamps

(Workcamps organized for specific groups)

<PROJECT No.6-11>
Other projects of NICE

No. 6: Educational actions (to organize school lessons)
No. 7:Social actions (for disadvantaged children and refugees)
No. 8: Farm Stay Progarms (to revive agriculture)
No. 9: Development (for reconstruction)
No.10: Environmental actions (for forest and wildlife protection)
No.11: Networking (to promote international volunteering)


Please contact us for more information!


Never ending International workCamps Exchange
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